News on our Single Track Bypass Hardware!
/As you know, our single track bypass hardware is patent pending for utility patent, and the news is that we're almost there with having it granted! Stay tune for the official news.
The utility patent different from that of a design patent. In our case, the utility patent is on the concept of having two doors bypassing on one track instead of two tracks. Anyone trying to make two doors bypass on the same track using similar ideas, even if it doesn't look like ours, would be infringing on the patent. A design patent is how something looks, one would have to copy that design exactly to be infringing. What we have would be the utility patent.
our stainless steel single track bypass on panel, chevron, pink doors we made to turn the back part of this basement a bedroom!
We developed the Single Track Bypass Hardware because the double track one is too bulky looking. The balance between the hardware and the doors are lost. The heaviness of the hardware would be weighing on your eyes until you don't see the doors anymore :) The single track would create a cleaner profile, and less hardware to look at, or to tackle with.
This image is from our studio. The Single Track Bypass Hardware seen here in the raw steel finish, Heavy Metal style.
Our solid brass Single Track Bypass Hardware on doors that were wrapped in Kate Golding's Sumac wallpaper Wallpaper produced by WYNIL The amazing wallpaper installer here is Rod Dunn
We have three main finishes for our hardware: Raw steel, stainless steel, and solid brass. In the raw steel, there are two styles, the Heavy Metal with straight hangers and arrowhead, with arrowhead hangers! Upon request, we can do a powder coated black on the raw steel hardware.
All our hardware are MADE IN CANADA and are made by us! We are grateful for all the support from our communities in Canada and the USA. Let's keep it local! We like it that way!